Battlefield Companion App is Getting Major Improvements Before Battlefield 1 Release
DICE, the developer of Battlefield 1, posted information on their website about the changes that are being made to the Battlelog Mobile App. The company states that the app is going to be fully updated and renewed.
One of the major updates is that the app is going to have a new name – Battlefield Companion. Developer of Battlefield 1 comments that the renewed app will make your Battlefield gaming experience even better than it was before. The Battlefield Companion is also going to have a new look and improved navigation, regarding to DICE. The app will also be made to adaptable for Battlefield 1 that is planned to be launched on October 21. Battlefield Companion app already goes well with Battlefield 4 and this will not change when the newest update will be launched.
Renewed app will also have a “Career” page where all Battlefield players will have an option to see their statistics and accomplishments in the game. Game fans will also have an option to track how their friends are doing in the Battlefield 1. Moreover, Battlefield Companion will also have a loadout feature that could be used while going out somewhere and getting back to the Battlefield 1 when you are home again.
Those who are completely satisfied with the current Battlelog Mobile App don’t have to worry too much – they will not be obliged to update the app to the newest Battlefield Companion version. The decision to go from Battlelog Mobile App to the Battlefield Companion version was mainly made because of the need to make a clear and simple menu system.
Battlefield 1 is expected to be released on October 21. World War I shooter game will be available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. If you are eager to start playing earlier, you can become a subscriber of EA/Origin Access. This will let you to play a limited amount of modes in the Play First Trial from October 13.