Stories Behind Battlefield 1’s Multiple Characters
The developer of Battlefield 1, DICE, has announced new information regarding the upcoming game’s campaign together with an astonishing trailer. They also affirmed that players will be using different characters for every “war story”.
The reason why company choose to use multiple characters for every of the five war stories was to make the Battlefield 1 more personal, rather than just based on fighting, DICE explained: “While our characters are at war, the stories in Battlefield 1 are personal. They’re about people rather than history or battles.”
World War I which is represented in Battlefield 1 happened in various locations and had many different people involved. So DICE states that they also wanted to have a deeper look into the Great War, realizing its number of diverse angles. Developer decided that the best way to dive into this diverse universe would be by creating multiple characters for each “war story” rather than having one for all of them in Battlefield 1.
“We felt that to have one character hopping through those different settings wouldn’t be as immersive or totally respectful to the setting,” Battlefield 1 developer said in a statement. “So we decided on an anthology format; a set of characters with their own more focused stories. That way we can have immersion and variety–a double win.”
For example, in the “war story” named Through Mud and Blood you will be playing as a young warrior, Danny Edwards, who is on a mission to drive a tank but has no true knowledge on how to do it. So the character will have to earn his name in the crew: “Our hero is also struggling with earning the trust of his fellow crew members, so there’s a social dynamic in the story, making the whole thing something personal,” DICE, Battlefield 1 developer, commented. “Danny Edwards… is not an ace sniper. He’s not a crack pilot. He’s not a demo expert. He’s a former chauffeur–a volunteer new to the war. He can drive and he can fix things. That’s where we start.”
Battlefield 1 will give its players a spectacular view of the surroundings. Rather than just having a first-person perspective, game players will be able to see the world around them as well. This will let Battlefield 1 players experience what their character feels more fully: “We wanted the player to see and feel what the characters are going through, rather than just experiencing it from behind their eyes. That has really payed off for us not just in storytelling ability, but in emotional engagement,” game developer said.
Game developers also said that improvising will be one of the main valuable abilities in Battlefield as you will have to think your ways through the objectives. Another impressive thing from the upcoming Battlefield 1 is that the game will include some of the well-known authentic historical figures that will appear in the game. For instance, one of the game’s “war stories” will have Lawrence of Arabia: “Facing off with a technically superior enemy, Lawrence is put in a true underdog situation in Battlefield 1,” DICE commented. “The Ottoman Empire has a giant armored train called The Canavar–or ‘beast’ in Turkish–equipped with a huge artillery piece that can strike from miles away. The Empire’s devastating artillery engages rebel forces–who are wielding rifles from horseback.”
However, you will not be playing as Lawrence of Arabia himself in Battlefield 1. You will be playing as a female Arab warrior who is fighting together with Lawrence. Regarding to DICE, this character will have a multiple abilities to play it your way: “This character needs to use her resourceful playstyle to scout out enemy encampments, liberate the equipment needed, and draw the armored train out to a final confrontation. Play it loud, quiet, long-range, close-up, on your horse, or in an appropriate vehicle–it’s up to you.”
Battlefield 1 is planned to be released on October 21. WWI inspired game will be available for PS4, Xbox One and PC. If you are eager to start playing the game earlier, you can purchase an EA/Origin Access subscription which will let you play Battlefield 1 from October 13 via Play First Trial.